To get straight to the heart of the matter, choose what is BEST for you. Your desire to learn martial arts should deliver improvements to your attitude, behaviors, and physical skills. Your student experience should be challenging, fun, and powered by the instructors’ genuine intentions to serve your goals. Here are keys to establish trust in the instructor’s abilities and the assurance of learning new and valuable skills.

  1. Look at the scope of services being offered by every school you consider.
  2. Have a phone chat or make a personal visit before trying a class. Ask to speak with the instructor(s). Determine if the instructor(s) are the owners of the school.
  3. Ask about the ages and experience levels of the students that attend each class. Ask how many students are in a class. And, ask about the number of instructors in a class and their experience as instructors too.
  4. The instructor’s experience and comprehensive knowledge are vital to your success and satisfaction. Ask what the instructor can do for you and what they do (and have done) for others. Ask about the claims that they make in their advertisements, and, in particular, ask about their credentials and certifications that match their claims.
  5. Are the instructors experienced professionals, school owners, and active teachers? Do the instructors continue to train too? References are great; especially from community leaders, organizations, and other students.
  6. Don’t go simply by instructor titles or awards they may have won. The awards should be consistent and relative to the instructor, not merely representative of unrelated moments in time (Ask: When was the award earned?; At what rank was it earned?; With whom did you earn your black belt?: How long have you been training?; etc.). Understand that this choice is about YOUR TRAINING and what you can accomplish.
  7. Being nearby is only the best option if everything fits. Ask yourself, “Is this choice fast food or a ‘quality-first’ service provider.” Would you go to the church on the corner if it did not share your beliefs? Would you go to the convenience store to buy a steak dinner? Why choose the martial arts school down the street just because it is closer?
  8. Choose instructor(s) that you are comfortable learning from and who can provide the best quality instruction. Listen and take note of the questions they ask of you. There is a significant difference between “selling” and “service” which are easily discerned by listening closely and asking the right questions.
  9. Arrange to take an introductory class from the instructor with whom you feel you have some connection. You’ll be spending hours together in class.
    • Pay attention if the instructor can clearly explain what they want you and the class to do.
    • Is the workout floor large enough to accommodate the class (there should not be downtime and taking turns to workout)?
    • What is the workout floor made of (good martial arts floor mats are the best training surface). Puzzle mats, wood, and carpeting are poor choices and a risk to a student’s health and well-being.
    • Is the location clean (take a look in the changing rooms and rest rooms too)?
    • Is the school easily accessible?
    • Is there sufficient parking?
    • Is there a visitor viewing area?
  10. Ask for the full cost per lesson or a package.
    • What are the monthly fees and family discounts?
    • What are testing fees?
    • How frequently is testing offered?
    • What equipment fees are required?
    • What is the class schedule?
    • What ages and skill levels are in each class?
    • What other opportunities are offered, e.g., special classes, tournaments, events, etc.?.
    • Decide if there is a quality exchange of services for the cost of the training?
    • Assure that the desire to learn is matched by the best training that you can arrange.
  11. If you choose to do a trial offer, use it wisely and check off your findings. Be sure that you are completely satisfied . . . because you deserve the best.