Family Self Defense
Self Defense Classes for Families
Martial Arts & Self Defense – A Family Affair
Makowski’s Martial Arts & Fitness offers an exceptional Family Self Defense Program in which your family can become closer and have many great times together. There are few family programs in which you can spend quality time with your children, get in shape, and become safer and more confident everyday.
We strongly believe in our family program and want every family to experience it. That’s why we back-up our beliefs by providing discounts for multiple family members. We consider it a real privilege to watch each of our students grow up, grow safe, and grow strong.
We keep in mind the challenges of growing up and have developed special programs that deal with them. It is our goal to partner with our students and their parents to help them to prepare both physically and mentally for the challenges of life. Some of our self defense programs include:
- Bully Beware (Dealing with bullies – outwit, avoid, escape)
- Stranger Danger (Child Abduction Awareness)
- Sexual Harassment & Rape Prevention

We recognize the challenges of raising a family. The challenges and joys can be overwhelming and we take parenting very seriously. Like many others, we sometimes wonder where the time goes and recognize that family time is very important.
We’re very pleased to be able to share time with our son everyday. We sincerely believe that as parents, it’s our job to help our children develop into independent, respectable adults. “This has given our family something in common again…”
From our family to yours, we look forward to meeting you.
To Schedule a FREE FIRST CLASS or for more information, Contact Us today.
Click here for our SPECIAL OFFER!
PRIVATE LESSONS BY APPOINTMENT: Scheduled private lessons @ $40 / half hour | Semi-private @ $25 / person / half hour.